*Bergoglio: a geopolitical choice

Santa Maria Maggiore

                              Vatican insiders didn't predict Bergoglio, but who did?

In the month since the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on 11 February, many colleagues both Italian and foreign have asked me to forecast which cardinal would be elected to succeed Benedict XVI. Always and without exception, I have demurred.(...)

The only exception to my self-imposed silence was with Michele Brambilla, an old friend, fellow journalist and co-author with me of a book on the Christian faith. Michele, now with La Stampa, earned his spurs at the Corriere della Sera and is well versed in religious issues. 

Asking him to keep it under his hat until the conclave was over, I offered him the job of notary and gave him just one name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires. 

My friend phoned me yesterday evening from a rain-lashed St Peter’s Square where he was waiting for the white smoke. He reminded me about my prediction and asked whether I confirmed it. I told him I did. Michele reminded me that Bergoglio was not one of the names that most of his colleagues regarded as a likely candidate, at least this time, whereas when Joseph Ratzinger was elected, Bergoglio’s was apparently the second most voted name. But eight years have passed. Cardinal Bergoglio is now 76 and everyone was expecting a pope at the height of his powers. Many regarded the upper age limit as 65. In addition, he would be the first Jesuit to become pope, a role to which the Company of Jesus has never aspired, on the advice of their founder Ignatius Loyola. Nevertheless, I still backed the Argentine.

A crystal ball? A whisper from the Holy Spirit? A hotline to the Sistine Chapel? None of that. Just a little knowledge of how today’s Church works. As I explained to Michele: “The decision in the conclave, where the condition of the Church around the world is known, could go to a geopolitical option, as was the case with Karol Wojtyla. A happy choice, not just because it was one of the best pontificates of the century but also because it panicked the hierarchy of the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern bloc, who expected trouble from a Polish pope. And they were right to be afraid. There duly followed Walesa, Solidarnosc, the Lenin shipyards at Gdansk and workers’ strikes that for the first time a communist regime did not bloodily repress. This was the crack that grew until in the end it brought down the wall of empire. 

None of this would have been possible without a Polish pope – and one of such spirit and prestige! – watching and advising from the Vatican”. 

To continue this line of argument, a geopolitical choice today could face in one of two directions. The first would summon to the chair of Peter the first Chinese ever to take part in a conclave, the archbishop of Hong Kong, John Tong Hon. That would sow panic not in Moscow or Warsaw but in Beijing, the capital of the superpower of the future. The Chinese government has been unable to eradicate persecution-resistant Catholicism and has created a national church, independent of Rome, even appointing bishops. Believers who remain faithful to Rome have had to go underground. How can they be confined to catacombs and prison camps if one of them is pope? But the Church is never in a hurry, taking the long view, the “longue durée” as Annales school of historians has it. China’s turn will come at some future conclave when, as in all totalitarian regimes, the system begins to weaken and declines, waiting for the coup de grâce.

What about this conclave? It seemed to me that there was room here for another geopolitical choice, this time a genuinely, extremely, urgent one even if Europe is unaware of its gravity. The Church of Rome is on the point of losing what it regarded as the continent of hope, the Catholic continent par excellence in the popular imagination and the one that has made Spanish the Church’s most widely spoken language

Thousands of South American men and women are turning their back on Catholicism every day, numbers that torment local dioceses. Since the 1980s, almost a quarter of Latin American believers have been lost. Where have they gone? They join the communities, sects and churchlets of the evangelicals, the pentecostals who with money from influential backers in North America, are realising the long-standing US protestant dream of rooting out papist superstition in Latin America. 

It should be said that the ample funding those missionaries have at their disposal attracts the continent’s outcasts, tempting them to join communities where everyone has economic as well as spiritual support. Another contributing factor is the political theology preached in recent decades by priests and friars turned ideological activists, which has driven away from Catholicism the masses who yearn for a vibrant, colourful, all-singing, all-dancing religion. This is precisely the key in which Pentecostalism interprets Christianity, drawing in hordes of deserters from Catholicism. 

The conclave must have seen how urgently intervention was needed with a programme drafted and implemented from Rome, and so elected a cardinal South America to the chair of Peter. However, the exodus regards mainly Brazil and the Andean countries. 

If the new pope has to be South American, why pick an Argentinian, an archbishop from a country less affected by the flight to the sects? What weighed in favour of Cardinal Bergoglio, apart from his personal qualities, theological background and experience, was probably the fact that he is both a Spanish American and a European. His family emigrated recently from the Asti area and Italian is his second native language

Since the Church has urgent need of a new broom in the Curia as well as South America, a man who can address issues in the Vatican was called for. In other words, I made a deduction, not a prediction. Many more deductions will be needed, starting with the choice of a name – Francis – for the first time in the history of the papacy. But it’s getting late and a deadline awaits. There will be time to come back to this. 

Vittorio Messori, 14 marzo 2013

English translation by Giles Watson. www.watson.it . Article in Italian CORRIERE D S.