*When you walk the tightrope without Me

When you walk a tightrope in life, there is always the danger of falling. When it is pitch darkness and you cannot see the rope, it is almost a certainty you will fall. 
That is the way it is when you walk the tightrope without Me. Darkness begets falling. Falling begets oblivion.

When My Light enters into your life, you find that the tightrope is really a wide bridge, and there is no danger of falling, unless you extinguish the light. Now, wouldn't that be foolish to put yourself in such danger?

That's what you do when you sin. The light goes out and oblivion beckons. My Angels are like fireflies giving you some way to find My Light Switch once again. If you reach out for the switch...Voila! Let there be light. If you do not reach out, My Celestial Fireflies fly away, leaving you alone in your self-chosen desolate darkness, waiting to fall further and further into oblivion.

I am the usher in your theater of life. I can turn on My Flashlight and enable you to avoid mis-stepping. All you have to do is ask for My Help. I am always near enough to hear your cry.

Try Me! Unless you like darkness!

Jesus to John Palmer