*Pastors Must Preach Against Abortion More Often

by Anna Higgins | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/9/13 

Many people find themselves in churches in which ministers rarely, if ever, preach against abortion from the pulpit. The abortion issue is also a subject we rarely address in social circles or with family, even though we know it touches the lives of so many. 

Perhaps because abortion is so prevalent we end up avoiding the topic in order not to offend. Abortion, however, is a subject that must be addressed openly, particularly among Christians, and it can be done both in truth and grace.

Recently, theologian R.C. Sproul Jr. published a blog post in which he explored reasons why pastors do not preach on abortion. He mentions that pastors often think abortion is a political issue, that discussing it will upset the congregation or that it is not in the Bible, and thus, should not be brought up in a sermon. Sproul carefully dismantles each argument and discusses the fact that pastors are often wrestling with their own guilt on the issue or just have no idea how to preach on the subject. He then notes, “Abortion is THE great evil of our day. The preaching of the Word is the great power of any day.” Finally, Sproul targets the most effective message against abortion – preaching repentance.
It is up to us to consider how to address the issue of abortion and then to be bold in proclaiming the Truth. Abortion destroys the very image of God and we must stand against it. We can do so with confidence that God’s Word and His message of forgiveness is power.