*An angel speaks about "Da Vinci Code"

An Angel appeared during my morning prayers.
He said, “Valentina, seriously I am telling you about this movie called 'Da Vinci code'. It is all false. It offends our Lord very much. We are all sad for Him.”

“I will show you”, stretching out his arm and indicating with his hand. Instantly I saw a vision of people holding hands in a circle, happily jumping and dancing.
The Angel said, “See how happy people are to see this movie. Tell people not to go see this movie for already, by seeing it, they are dancing into hell. Most people who go to see this movie are Christians and Catholics. The little faith they have they will lose.”

“Please console our Lord, for He is gravely offended.”
The Angel said, “People accept everything. What is wrong, they accept as right, so confused is the world today.”

He asked that we pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy to atone for the sin which offends God. 

Messages to Valentina 17th May, 2006