*Come And Be Healed

Please Come And Be Healed
I see wonder in the world arising in my people in my presence. The time has come to truly venerate me each time you receive me in Eucharist. Your brother Catholics must come to realize this true presence. It is not a joke but a true realization. Why would I have taught so many before you of the true presence? Please start to take into consideration the neglect I feel when others in your midst do not take me in Eucharist seriously. I need you and others to witness of the true power I bring in this sacrament. My heart is so broken when I am open for you to visit me in Eucharist, and many just ignore me. I am your brother who will lead you to my Father. Be aware of this. 

Do not lose heart that I won’t heal your wounds.
Come to me in Eucharist and I will. My love is pouring out for a world in need of healing. Please come and be healed. You can be healed of all ailments if you take up your cross and follow me. All is well in the kingdom. Please spread my words. I love you.
Love, Jesus

Eucharist As Your Spiritual Food
If you ponder these things in your heart which you don’t understand, you will find answers. I reside in your hearts. Not your mind but your deepest parts of your spirit and heart. Eucharist is the best way that I can reach you. You must pray and fast before communion so you are pure to receive me. Many healings will take place in your heart if it is pure and clean. I can’t reside in a dirty place. I can not touch you or change an unclean heart. Confession will cure all of you of these ailments

You are all becoming spiritually sick because you are not relying on Eucharist as your spiritual food. There are many monks in the world now who almost solely rely on Eucharist as their food. Faith can bring about this miracle for you. It is a mystery to understand, but I have instilled a yearning in your heart that you must listen to. Do not rely on your physical yearnings. Deny these by all means. They will lead you astray from the true miracle of Eucharist. Start this day preparing for the next time you receive me. You will notice a difference upon your reception. Love always.
Your Jesus

Messages to an Anonomous Visionary
Divine Mercy Illumination 2013
