*I will strike those priests who have neglected to guide My people

Jesus to the Catholic Priests      

My chosen sons, My peace be with you.  I come to you today to tell you that the hour is growing shorter when many will come and culminate the pews and confessionals of My church.  

The hour is growing shorter when My mercy will come forth in its fullness and many will see how they have pierced Me by their rejection.  My sons, it is time to truly take heed to your vocation.  It is not a time of laziness, rather a time to be attentive to your words and actions.  A time to be attentive to your sheep.

It is time to speak of My mercy and to guide My people to it.   And yet a time to preach on My justice.  Many are confused, many are lost in this dark world.  Many are in search of light and the only true light they will come to know is the light that will pour forth from the rays of My Most Sacred Heart, the light of My mercy, and following that will be the hand of justice.  

This world cannot continue on this same path for humanity is destroying itself.  My sons, you must take heed to the mission you have been called to do for I will come and strike the weeds that have taken over My Church. 

I will strike those bishops and priests who have so willingly neglected to guide My people in the right way.  Those who have sought to shepherd without  the guidance of their true shepherd for I am Jesus. Open your eyes, My sons, for this world is passing away.

It is a world that has become consumed with evil and a lack of morals.  Speak

to My people, speak to them in love by allowing My voice to be your voice, My hands to be your hands.  Pray for your lost brothers and sisters, pray for My Church that will be purified of its filth.  

Take heed to the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for with him I am well pleased.  Be My humble and loving servants for I am Jesus your Master and My mercy and justice will prevail.

Jesus to Jennifer 

Jennifer has a new spiritual advisor, Fr. Joe, whom she has known since July of 2005. He has been a priest in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church for 45 years and serves as a pastor in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Although Jennifer's public messages for the world ended on March 3, 2006, she has been advised by Fr. Joe to release some of her personal messages to the world as he believes they are imperative for our times. Please note that the messages will be released as Jennifer is given permission.