*I was the biggest sinner in the world

(...)Another priest relayed that he met a young man from Italy in front of St. James Church. This young man stated:

“I have heard about Medjugorje and the miraculous events here from friends. What is happening here in fact, I myself experienced at the beginning of December in 1988. Here I actually experienced, in a miraculous way, my own conversion. If I say that I was the biggest sinner in the world, maybe it sounds unbelievable. I do not know whether there is any sin I did not have already on my soul. I was a drug addict too. Nothing has brought me happiness and joy in life, least of the sin. I was fed up with everything, so I tried several times to bring everything to an end by committing suicide. It became clear to me why I am still alive. 

At this place (Medjugorje) where Heaven opens, where Our Lady is seen, I have prayed this:

‘Our Lady, Jesus’ Mother, and my Mother, I believe that You came here. You came here for my sake too. I pray to you, to recommend me to Your Son. Obtain for me the mercy of conversion. I am sure you can do it and that Your Son will answer Your prayer. I cannot live like this any longer. This is not life. Our Lady, if You do not help me, I do not know where to go. I cannot go back like this. Queen of Peace obtain for me peace from Your Son! Please, help me.’

“Then for a moment I stopped. I did not know what to do next. Suddenly I wanted to confess. I easily found an Italian priest and I knelt in front of Him as a governor of Christ. What happened during that merciful purification, only good God knows, the priest and me. Those were moments I will never forget. It is difficult to describe with these few words. I experienced that God is love which heals, revives, liberates, forgives, and saves. I have been leading a virtuous life for several years. And indeed, there is nothing more beautiful and joyful in this world than that.”