*In God’s Eyes greed is a very serious sin

Our Blessed Mother came and greeted me, saying, "Praised be Jesus for ever."

"Love My son Jesus for He is so gravely offended to see humanity sinking so deep in the abyss of sin. Nothing has changed in the world. People are becoming greedier and greedier, more than ever. Even My faithful are swept as in a wind into competing with one another, buying and selling and thinking of how many houses they can possess. The rich are getting richer and the lower classes can barely survive. For some people it is impossible to live. They are overcharged by rents and payments and they are forced to live on the street."

"My Heart aches to see so much suffering and injustice in the world caused by greed."

"My children, you cannot take with you anything. You will only be judged for being so selfish and greedy. In God’s Eyes greed is a very serious sin and offensive, penetrating your soul as an evil weed that can harm your soul. My Son’s agony increases, seeing the world being drawn into this egoism and selfishness."

"I think of His Passion and how much He suffered to redeem all of you."

"Console My Son and spread this message so that the light will shine on this dark and sinful world."

Our Heavenly Mother’s attitude had changed as She left, looking very sad.

Virgin Mary to Valentina. 14th January 2008