*Suddenly an angel appeared

I was woken just before 3am and began to recite the 3 o’clock prayer to the Divine Mercy. Suddenly an angel appeared.

He said "I was sent to you by the Lord to tell you that you must have some suffering and it is on your left foot". Immediately I felt a severe pain in my foot. I looked, and saw a mark, red raw and bleeding in the centre of my foot. The angel said, " Fear not, I will stay with you while you suffer."

I kept tossing my leg from side to side, trying to relieve the agony, but it wouldn’t diminish. The angel asked me to stop tossing my leg around and keep still. The angel spoke, "While you suffer, you console our Lord greatly and while you suffer it is for the church and priests for so much negligence and sacrilege in the Holy Eucharist. You have no idea what our Lord goes through.

In a vision he showed me, communion in the hand, particles and even the Host itself fall to the floor, during procession of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament where the Priest was not covered by the canopy and Priests lifting the monstrance without being covered with a humeral veil.

The angel said, ". No reverence to our Holy God. Do they realise who he really is? Do not complain about your suffering. Console the Lord for so much human error, which is going on in nearly every church."

At that moment, it was close to 5am. The angel said, "look at look left foot and the wound that the Lord gave you. He came to heal you." While I was watching, a Host plunged over the wound, and around my foot. I saw many large particles of the Host coloured white and red.

I started crying inconsolably because of sorrow for our Lord, seeing how badly he is treated in the churches by so much human error. I went to Mass that morning and offered all in reparation. I prayed for change and a return to love and reverence for our Lord and King.

Messages to Valentina
Australia, 2008