*This is how you will experience My Warning

Jesus said: “My people, I keep showing you these visions of tunnels because this is how you will experience My Warning, that is very close. You are seeing My eye in the vision because I am watching all of your actions, both the good and the bad. A day is coming when you will have to answer for your bad actions. 

Even now, you can repent of your sins with contrite hearts, especially for Catholics who have access to Confession to a priest. After you receive your absolution, your sins will be forgiven, and grace will be restored to your soul. 

Make a plan to come to Confession, and do not keep putting it off. With frequent Confession, then your Warning experience will be less severe. Many times you keep falling into sin, but you need to keep seeking My forgiveness. I am always ready to forgive any repentant sinner. It is those, who do not seek My forgiveness, that could fall into greater sin, and be lost.

Keep praying for sinners that their hearts could be softened to receive Me as their Savior. You cannot come to heaven, unless you come through Me.” 

August 17 2013
Jesus to John Leary