*Extraordinary Events and Extraordinary Helps

You must learn to hear my voice now. When the events come, I will speak to you and guide you. Before then, you must grow accustomed to my voice. Many would see this as extraordinary, but the events will be extraordinary and the helps that you will need must also be extraordinary.

I warn you. You cannot hear my voice if you remain in noise, confusion and entertainment. I am asking you to withdraw, to find some solitude. Yes, I want solitude. Go to your room if that is the only place you can find. Go to a church, if possible. Come before the Blessed Sacrament. Multiply these times of solitude. Go to daily mass. 

While Noah was building his Ark, the others were buying and selling, caught up in the usual activities. They were not prepared. It cannot be the same with you.

My words are clear. Certain events will happen that will shake the world. People without faith will be thrown into total confusion. People with faith will be tested. If their faith is shallow, they will despair. If their faith is built on rock, they will survive. Now is the time to build on rock. 

You must learn to speak to the Father. I will be there.