*Your soul’s life is the most important (Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the marriage of a man and a woman in the Church for two reasons. The first reason is that this is the proper way to be married. Living together in fornication is not a proper marriage. Living in homosexual acts is also not a proper marriage

The second reason is that this marriage is a symbol of My people as the bride and I am the Groom who protects My Church. Marriage is a promotion of the preciousness of life because the children are born into an environment of love. Protect My babies in the womb from those who want to kill them in abortion. Protect the elderly from those who want to kill them with euthanasia. Pray for peace to protect the people from being killed in your manufactured wars.

Pray for all the people who are being killed by disasters, by vaccines, and by viruses. Life is truly precious, and you are all created in My Image with free will. I want all souls to love Me and come to heaven. 

Keep praying for all souls that could be saved from hell. Also do not forget to pray for the poor souls in purgatory. My Communion of Saints is a union of My faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, and My souls that are saints in heaven. Your soul’s life is the most important, and you need to keep your soul on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus to John Leary
Nov 22, 2013