*I watch over and protect all of My Faithful Ones

(...)Behold! I make all things new in My Love. I change lives. I rejuvenate dead spirits by shocking them to life through an infusion of My Sanctifying Grace. I enrich the lives of all of My Faithful Ones by the droplets of love from My Sacred Heart which, when experienced in daily life, bring the love deep within their being (My True Self within) to the surface and changes their responses to life's events.

I watch over and protect all of My Faithful Ones with the nurturing love and excitement of a new mother and with the pride and joy of a father as both revel in the new life they have brought to the world.

I am both mother and father of mankind. I create all beings, and I am recreating all My Friends in My Image and Likeness through the love of My Most Holy Spirit every moment of eternity. 
I look at My Redeemed Souls as each one surfaces and say, "Let there be light within them forever...It is good!" So, I experience the nurturing love, excitement, joy, and pride of mother and father at the sight of My Newly Restored Souls. 

I see My Light and My Love within, and I know they have chosen to allow me to recreate them in My Image and Likeness, and I love them all the more for they have participated with Me in their re - form – a - tion.

I will live within them for all eternity for they have experienced My Purification Process, and no trace of evil exists within their hearts. I will sing songs to their souls now and forever more. These songs will touch them so deeply, it will wipe away all memories of past pain.
The past is over. There is no need to look back. The future and present blend together in My Eternal Scheme of things as Eternal Love reigns in their hearts.

It is a new world. It is a New Life. It is a new way for all of My Faithful Ones who by their life choices have proven themselves worthy of My Eternal Love and My Eternal Presence within their hearts.

Messages to John Palmer