*The Astounding Case of Margie Van Aken...

     In a world of confusion, women's rights, and downright selfishness, I found myself discontented, anxious, and wanting a change in my life. I did not realize or care that, after many years of not going to church or the sacraments, I was truly falling out of God's grace. A few years of true discontentment brought me to confront my husband with a separation. After putting his fist through the wall, he said, "Do what you want," and walked out the door. I was surprised at his answer and began to realize what I had done. Falling on my knees, I begged God to help me.

   As a working mother, I was soon to find out that I was to have another child.

     "God, I asked You for help ... I wanted to straighten out my life, my marriage ... and You send me another child! How will we ever manage? I'll have to quit my job. We won't be able to afford extras. Our marriage will never make it through all this." Needless to say I was truly unhappy with the thought of another child. After a few months, seeing my children and husband so happy about the baby, I began to share their happiness.

    I quit my job as a bank teller and started to prepare for the months ahead. Having two children asleep, my husband and I decided to take Lamaz classes so we could be together and bring our new little baby into this world. The Lamaz classes and home preparation brought my husband I closer together. I began to see: God really does know what is good for us. 

     Our baby was due October 30, 1976. Early in October, I don't remember the day, I had an alarming dream. While in my sleep, my grandmother Margaret and my aunt Clare appeared to me. With a sad smile, my grandmother said to me: "Everything will be O.K." (Both were very special women who suffered much physical pain here on earth.) When I awoke I knew that something was wrong with our child.
   On the morning of October 17, 1976, a Sunday, our new little girl Margaret Clare was born with spina bifida.

   One year later I found out this day is also St. Margaret Mary Alacoque's feast (a nun who received revelations from Our Lord on the Sacred Heart). I would also like to add that before I left the house to go to the hospital, the first thing I thought of was my rosary. It had been laying in my drawer unused for a very long time. I clutched it in my hand through the whole delivery.

   The doctor told my husband that Margie would have to be rushed .by ambulance to the Albany Medical Center for an immediate operation as she was in very serious condition; that if she didn't get emergency care she could die of spinal meningitis. They also warned that she might not survive the operation.
   Spina bifida is a defect in the spinal column, an opening in the spine which usually does damage to the nervous system, and in turn may damage many other bodily functions such as the bladder and bowels.

   Margie's opening was at her waist, so the nerves to her bladder, bowels, legs, etc. were damaged. Two weeks later Margie developed hydrocephalus [a buildup of water around the brain causing the head to well up enormously like a balloon]. Because of the hydrocephalus, the doctors warned that there would be brain damage; that I was not to compare Margie with my other children, because she would be slow mentally.

   At 10 months old she needed another operation because her kidneys were being destroyed, as her bladder did not void the urine from it. He, the doctor, explained that she will have to have an appliance. It would act like a bladder on the outside of her body.

   Margie's feet were very badly deformed, and the feeling and movement in her legs and feet was slight. Cast and braces would have to become a part of her life.

   Our Lady of the Roses (Bayside, NY) was brought to my attention by a good friend, and on November 17, 1977, I went to the Shrine for the first time. I saw the flight of three doves overhead. They were huge and not like doves of this world. It's hard for me to explain, but, at this time, my spirits were lifted and a tremendous burden was taken away from me. On December 5th, my birthday, I was back to the Sacraments and Church. This was the first miracle.

   On February 11, 1978, I convinced my husband, a member of the Dutch Reformed Church, to go with me to Our Lady at Bayside. The following year he converted to the Catholic Faith. This was the second miracle.

   On August 15, 1978, I brought our little Margie to Our Lady to be healed. In a very slow but noticeable way, Our Lady of the Roses has been doing just that. I feel it is being done in stages for my own benefit. My attitude has changed tremendously because of Margaret! It was like a blessing that Margaret was born to us. She helped tremendously in getting my life in order. [Here is some lesson to all who believe in eugenics!]

   Margie's shunt, an apparatus in her head, stopped working. This little pump keeps her head from filling with fluid, thus preventing damage to the brain. But ... no damage was done even after it stopped. This is the third miracle.

   Margie had worn braces and casts from the time she was born. She couldn't move her feet. The lower half of her legs were very deformed. She was like walking on her ankles. This December, Christmas Eve, she received her first pair of shoes without braces. This is the fourth miracle.

   She will be going to a regular school this September at age 4. I'm sure that her new friends will never believe all that she has gone through since her birth!

   Margie often plays with her friend Kelly, but unlike other children, they find pleasure in pretending they are Mary and Joseph with their doll Jesus, instead of doctor and nurse.

   She has also developed a very definite prayer life, and calls on Our Lady often. She says the rosary and many other prayers, unusual for a child of her age.

   I give all the credit to Our Lady of the Roses, for She has given my family and I graces in such abundance. I cannot withhold this testimony.
Pat Van Aken
Kerhonkson, New York