*God is never the source of suffering

Feb05. Locutions to the World

I turn my eyes to human suffering, a reality never willed by the heavenly Father, introduced into creation by the destructive power of sin.  When God is totally present, as he was at creation’s beginning, all suffering and sorrow gives way to his divine power.  As God is rejected and man withdraws from God’s presence, the powers of suffering inevitably emerge.  Man was made for God and needs God’s love.  Apart from God, his lot is inevitably suffering.

I will address the present sufferings of man.  I will reveal the great secrets of my heart, my own motherly sorrow to see my children in their various agonies and my secrets of help that I will offer.  I am at war with Satan.  He inflicts suffering and I lessen it. He inflicts hardships and I ease the burdens.  He inflicts death and I restore life.  I hate all suffering for it is ultimately diabolical.  This is my message.

My Son accepted his sufferings to overcome the evil one.  He has asked saints to accept their sufferings as they joined him in the battle.  Every person can also accept their sufferings to share in Christ’s victory.  However, this does not change my motherly hatred of all suffering and my attempts to do all that I can to lessen the suffering of all my children so the road to heaven is made much easier.  God is never the source of suffering.