*Satan’s Plan: He wants the whole world

Locutions to the World, April 2014


In the great light given to me by the heavenly Father, I see all of reality.  I see the causes of illness, of strife and of war.  I also see all that sin destroys.  I want to speak of these realities (which mankind takes for granted) and how they change the original plan of the Father.
All of human history is not what God intended.  From the very beginning, human life was stolen from the Father’s hands, pulled away from the orbit of his love and set upon this path which mankind calls inevitable, namely the rise and fall of nations, the collapse of family life, the constant wars, and violence

 These are inevitable only because mankind, from the beginning, walked away from heaven’s blessings.  From the beginning, the Father also promised a Woman whose Son would offer mankind a new moment of life, a way of reversing that original moment of sin, and a chance to be freed from what seems to be the inevitable cycles that plague human life.

However, this has happened only infrequently, when in eras of great faith, a new civilization was born, with ideals born from His words and His Spirit.  The world has put away this gift and instead, has plunged ahead into unimaginable darkness.

The world has not just come into a destructive moment in the cycle of history.  Mankind comes to a moment of unbelievable destruction, carefully plotted out by the Evil One.  He wants to tilt the whole world in his favor, so that all of mankind slides to him and only the few are able to gain God’s life.

He sees this moment on the horizon.  He is not interested in just a particular nation.  He wants the whole world.  He wants to complete the result of that original sin.  He wants to destroy those helps which God promised immediately to Adam and Eve, specifically the promise of the Woman and her Son.

We are in a war, and sides must be chosen.

Comment:  Mary’s vision is clear.  The violent and destructive world events are not just the usual cycle of history.  They are much more dangerous.