*The Eucharist is the fastest way to come to Jesus...

Since I know the importance of Holy Mass, I participate in it every day and I have great respect for the ministers of God to whom this greatest power has been given with the sacrament of Ordination...! Their hands are purified by the Light of God even before transsubstantiation occurs.

Jesus, the Son of God, is really present in the Sacred Host, and it is only in Heaven that we will understand this miracle...

The Eucharist is the fastest way to come to Jesus...
No one in Heaven is as close to Jesus as we are, when we receive Him within us...

Brothers and sisters, we have Heaven before us, all of Heaven is contained in that small piece of Bread...

« ...Whoever nourishes oneself with the Body and Blood of Christ, is fed with the fullness of the Supreme Being and becomes a reflection of Him. The beauty of such a soul ravishes the angels of Heaven who marvel at the Almighty Power of the Most High and of His Love for the souls... »
... The soul that receives Jesus radiates in itself His Love and His Light.
... The Eucharist is Supreme Magnificence, Grace of graces, Gift of the gifts of Heaven. We can also contemplate this explanatory word of the Curate of Ars who tells us:

« The soul that receives communion regularly with the Body of Christ, upon its entry into Heaven, God the Father cannot refuse to greet it because He sees in it the Face of His Son ».

« Let us profit of these graces that the Father grants us, they are our halo of Holiness... »
Jesus wishes to fill our hearts that thirst, for Happiness... Joy... Peace... He takes pleasure in the souls enamoured with The Love... Jesus is in those souls. They are His during that brief moment of adoration... In the Eucharist, the souls belong to Jesus and will remain so...

« Jesus is the Whole One who offers Himself to the world. He gives Himself fully so that we can receive Him fully... »
By receiving Him in oneself, we receive the Sacred One, the Son of God who died and resurrected.

As says Saint Francis of Assisi: « Keep for yourself nothing of yourself, so that you can receive in His entirety The One who gave Himself to you entirely »
Let us often desire to have Jesus; the Eucharist is a marvelous gift of Heaven, Jesus is the food for our soul.

We grow in perfection because Jesus is perfection itself. Christ wants us to become a living icon of Himself. That is what happens in a diligent soul; never has a creature on earth been so close to God as in the Holy Eucharist.
When we receive the Holy Eucharist, something happens in our body and in our soul, like a dazzlement of our entire being which little by little divinizes our human nature.

During this space of time, we become perfect because God is in us and we are in Him.

After every Eucharist, let us pray that its effects will multiply and be prolonged in us eternally. Thus, God can more rapidly establish His permanent home in our heart.

Here is, dear brothers and sisters, the testimony of a poor soul, very weak, very miserable, that God consecrated in order to serve Him, glorify Him and honour Him and to not serve and glorify myself.

I never learned theology, but the Spirit of God taught me and told me: « Awaken your brothers ».

So I witness in and out of season for many years in many countries and islands where I am invited, with the help of my guardian angel.

Since I have known what hell is and its tortures and since I have lived it in my soul, I wish the salvation of all the souls, without exception, for the good ones and evil ones for whom I have masses celebrated,and for whom I pray and fast. God asked me to make many sacrifices for my brothers and sisters of love and to cry with Him for their salvation.

When I will appear before God for my particular judgement of my soul, I will have to answer for the conversion of the souls that I have encountered during my evangelization throughout the world. These souls, by the thousands, have been called by God, from country to country, to come and listen to my testimony and if you are there today, it is that we will be reunited in heaven some day.

Dear brothers and sisters, you will all, at the hour of your death, appear before God for your judgement. That is why my testimony will help you to gain more light.

God's Mercy can change all the hearts. You know, my heart was sick and God healed it. I told Him: « Lord Jesus, my Saviour and my God, I want to live my purgatory on earth so that, at my death, You will take me into Your Sacred Heart ».

So let us have faith and tell Jesus: « Jesus, I trust in You ». If God healed the world's greatest sinner that I am, then everybody can be saved. No sin will exhaust the great Mercy of God and the more we draw from it, the more it swells. The greater the sinner, the more he has the right to God's Mercy!
I have written five booklets about my conversion that have been approved by the Catholic Church (imprimatur and nihil obstat). You can read them on my website.

This, dear friends is the testimony of a miserable soul that knows it is loved by God and that has become the spouse of Christ through the total gift of her life. I travel throughout the world for the greater glory of Jesus because He asked me to do so! And even if I do not feel like traveling, I do it for love of Him who offered His life for me and who invited me to imitate Him and to travel through the world as did Saint Paul.

Do you know why Christ chose me to be a witness of His Mercy? Because on earth, He did not find a greater and more miserable sinner that me. I was a hypocrite, liar, envious... But Christ called me to go around the world for the salvation of souls! That is why He healed me so as to glorify Him and He called me to make Him be loved, by me, so greatly wounded by life!

Dear brothers and sisters, I love as Jesus loves you... to distraction and I need your love. Help Jesus because He suffers greatly and He cries for the world.

Praised be Jesus-Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Testimony of Fabienne, France