*This world matters little, it is only a trial

13 -14 March 2014, to 2 Patricks, Ireland

Come now, beloved of My Heart, and recognise My Truth. I am calling to you through these Words. You do not read them by accident but it was Me, your God, who drew you towards them. 

Come see the Truth of My Words: accept them into your heart and begin to walk with Me on this Journey of Truth. Do not worry, My little ones, but trust in Me, your God, and We, together, shall overcome the trials that come against you. You are beloved of My Heart and I will not lose you. Trust in Me, I Love you. 

 Joy is Mine, children, when I see one of My little ones turn towards Me. 

 How I long for each of My children to recognise Me. 

 How I long for My children to turn away from the sin of this world and see Me. 

 How I long for My children to realise that this world matters little, it is only a time of preparation, a trial, to choose where you wish to live for all eternity. 

Wake up and see the Truth, children, your lives on this earth are not as important as you see them to be, your time upon this earth is a time of preparation where you decide in free will whether you wish to live in Our Father’s Kingdom or not. The things of this world that you see as important are but dust and onto dust they shall return. 

 Come, My beloved children, walk this Path of Truth with Me, your God. I Love you.