*Do not meet the Light unprepared

Children, return to Me and leave the idle chants of this World. Such darkness and it is cunning. Such excesses and My Children do not recognize where they fall.
Oh Belovéd Children, do you not see what you do? The time for talk is over. My Day comes and it will be a day of justice. 

I Love My Children. Thus I offer a great gift of Mercy. So few grasp this and their souls are darkened and when they see the extent to which they have sinned, how foul they will feel. Justice will be swift, cold, and merciless. 

Look to Me for Mercy now and your life or Light or experience will be layered with the softening layer of gentle Love. 

Children, look to Me for all things and trust in your Lord God who Loves you dearly.

There will be a wide range of people running from the storm. They can do no harm, but they will do no good as well. No one is immune to the “great moment.”  See, Children. What you do not expect, comes! It comes! Thus will you believe in the Lord God who has wept for you throughout the ages. You cannot picture it. It will be a massive thing. Very large. Anticipate it, Children, for it comes so soon. What is a month but a slow blink. What is a year but a long stretch of the body. Time is relevant and irrelevant. It is important because I have emphasized its importance. Time is irrelevant because your Lord God and Eternal Father is infinite in His Glory. Do not pretend at Love, My Children. You cannot fool your Belovéd Father who knows you so well. Do not pretend at admiration or make folly of worship. It wounds Me and Heaven shudders.
Belovéd Children, spend your time in prayer that you might grow in your Love for Me, your Heavenly Father. 

I crave your Love. Do not reject My Love. This wounds Me so very deeply.
Know I am here for you, ever Loving and always waiting! 

Dearest Children, do not wait to come to Me in repentance and with faith. Do not meet the Light unprepared. To do so will be a travesty and a deep pain for you. 

Follow Me, My Belovéd Children and do not be a divisive Child. Love your brothers and sisters well and Love your Lord God. 

I give you My Peace, Children. Peace, My Children. Peace. Peace. 

Messages to Linda Noskewicz, May 2014