Judgment Is Set

Nov 4, 2014, Wings of Prophecy

Today many matters will be settled in the nation of America. Do not think it strange, My children, when you see evil rulers on the thrones of an evil nation.

When a nation turns from My ways and refuses to honor Me, it is led astray by the lusts of its people and destruction always follows.

There is little repentance in America today that would allow Me to show it mercy. The time has been set for judgment and it quickly approaches. Some of you will be coming home to Me in these judgments, but I shall gather you quickly, so do not fear, My little ones.

You are very precious to Me and I shall show those of you who do walk in My ways much mercy indeed.

Now is the time nations will be judged according to My Word. Those most like Me will suffer least, but all must be judged so that scripture is fulfilled.

I desire My children would spend their time in prayer and watching, and witnessing to all those around you, for the time of My judgments grows nearer with each day and will come suddenly upon you.

Do not be found sleeping, My children, but awake, in My mighty harvest. Work while it is still day!