An earthquake will divide America

1/1/11 Words from Jesus to Jennifer, USResultado de imagen de america terremotos

My child, I ask My children where is your refuge? Is your refuge in worldly pleasures or in My Most Sacred Heart? I spoke to My children of the cold that is going to come forth, but I tell you now about the wind that will come forth and followed will be fire. The winds will come across the plains of America and in the heart of this nation will be an earthquake that will divide this country in a greater way. 

China will send forth its army and Russia will join its enemy to seek to rule over this nation of freedom. In the East where this statue of freedom dwells the cities will be blackened. In the islands will come forth a mountain that will spring forth disruption in the sea and send forth a wall of water that will cause lands to wash away and a new coastline to form. 

The seven continents of the world will be at war as the financial collapse will one by one bring nation upon nation to its knees. Following this cold will be a heat at a time when the world should be sleeping in winter’s covering. 

Listen My children for it is time to awaken from your slumber for the wind will appear to be changing from every direction that can only come from the hand of My Father. I call you to this time of mercy. 

I call you to the Eucharist for I am Jesus.

I come to prepare you in warning that time is being wasted and your life is precious. Now go forth My children and live in love, live in peace, live in the truth for then you live in Me. Now go forth for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.