In the three days of darkness mankind will be waged

12/5/09 Words from jesus to Jennifer, US

My child, I say to you, there are many things that cause you fear. Come take My hand for then your fears cannot manifest. Fear is caused by the one who fears the sound of My name. Changes are upon the horizon for days of darkness will come. I say to you that in the three days of darkness mankind will be waged in the greatest battle. It will be the final battle between man and beast.

I say to My children, do not fear! For if you are taking heed to the Gospel message; if you are embracing Me in the Eucharist; if you are recognizing your sinfulness, then what is there to fear? Come to Me and heed to the signs. Are you living to rely on Me or do you live to rely on mankind?

Do you recognize Me when you see others in their goodness? I say to you that man’s ways are not My ways and My ways are simplicity. My ways do not always come without great suffering. Do you see My children when you build a house you must begin with its foundation? And upon that your house will be built! I am your foundation! The foundation of your soul is when you do My will and live out the divine plan you find that your soul is prepared to meet Me.

I say to you that many seek this time of preparation of the celebration of My birth in sharing gifts with another. I say to you, what gifts do you have to present to your King? So many spend their time on this earth speaking blasphemies against Me and do not realize that one day all will come before Me at judgment. No one comes to their eternal destination without coming through the door of My justice. Come to the fountain of My mercy and live the will of your Heavenly Father for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will.