Jesus: I need every prayer

May 22, 2015 Resultado de imagen de prayer

Holy Love Ministry. Ohio

Mary Refuge of Holy Love says, "Praise be to Jesus." 

"You must always remember, My children, that the Holy Spirit and I are your Advocates before the Throne of God. I plead your just causes and your every need to God, the Father and My Son. The Holy Spirit sends the grace of right reason into the hearts of those who question or oppose God's Will. You are never left to do battle alone, but always receive heavenly assistance." 

"As your Advocate, I endorse your every petition of Truth and reveal to you that which is harmful. My Heart is your open source of strength in your every need and is always your conduit to the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of Truth." 

"When you believe these things you will never fear but always trust." 

May 22, 2015

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." 

"My brothers and sisters, My Mournful Heart is soothed by your efforts to come here tonight to pray the rosary together. You do not see how much evil is in the world today. You may suspect it from the news headlines, but you cannot comprehend it. I need every prayer, and your sacrifice to be here tonight strengthens the might of your prayers. 

"Tonight, I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."