The Sins of Men

Warnings From Beyond (Hell), Part 1 of 3

To the Contemporary Church
[Confessions of Hell]
E: Exorcist

J: Judas Iscariot, a human demon 


J: The whole fault of sins, of eacindividual sin in particular. Thessins can be mentioned separately in different sermons, or all together in one single sermon whichever seems the most suitable to each priest, but above all, the Holy Spirit must be invoked.

E: Judas Iscariot, speak in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father...Judas, speak!

J: It must be brought much more to the attention of the young, of all the faithful, how serious the fault is, how terribly serious and deadly, where it comes from, where it is leading and how it comes; how to keep oneself free from it, what would need to be done to be able to lessen it, to be able to eradicate it altogether (he wails)

E: Judas Iscariot, continue telling the truth on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, the Mystical Rose!

J: Above all, it must be said that prayer is one of the most solid anchors of Christian life. This must be said from the height of the pulpits, without a microphone. A thousand microphones are no substitute for the pulpit. When the priest speaks from the pulpit, the faithful are linked directly to God's Word. Then they don't see all the objects of possible distraction in front, behind, on all sides. They look straight at the one above them, and are able to concentrate better.

E: But all that can already be found in the little book that the Blessed Virgin wants.

J: Yes, it is there already, but it is necessary for me to say it once again, and it must be written once again.

J: the fault is much greater than you can describe. It is like this! We demons are hideous; we are afraid of one another. we have a terrible appearance. We cannot bear one another. If only we didn't have to look at one another! But we must, we must! For all eternity, we will have to live in this diabolical pit, and will have to look at one another!
But when we are obliged to look upon sin, the fault, in the hearts of men, it always plunges us again into a frightful terror. So, you can picture for yourselves the seriousness of the fault: when it can plunge us demons, accustomed to so many things, who are in frightful torment day and night, who must contemplate hour by hour, minute by minute, this sight which is the most terrible of all terrible sights - when it can still plunge us into terror!

So, you can imagine how serious the fault is, particularly in the sight of Him up there (he points upward), Whose majesty surpasses all elseThat was what I still had to say (he wails piteously).

E: Continue to tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, and nothing but the truth, in the name... in the name of the Immaculate!

B: If you knew what majesty He has (he points upward)! It is not Judas saying that - it is Beelzebub, It is I, Beelzebub!

E: Good. You have seen better than Judas what the majesty of God is. Speak, in the name...

B: Judas has not seen the majesty of God; by that I mean that he has seen the humanity of God; and he has been able to perceive a few fragments of His majesty, but he has not seen Him (God) in the fullness of His Majesty (he sighs). Do you know what that is? I have seen Him - that is to say, I have not seen him as you will see Him one day. But I was able to understand Him, and I have seen and experienced a large part of it. We were not yet in the totality of the perfect beatific vision, but we were already in a very powerful beatific state. But we were not willing to give her the pleasure of having dominion over us, or directing us. That leads on to what must still be said.