The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje

A view of Apparition Mountain from Cross Mountain
A view of Apparition Mountain from Cross Mountain. For those who understand, it is a profound moment when one climbs Cross Mountain and then gazes across to view Apparition Mountain. Contemplating the spot where so many have changed from sinful ways and where God will place one of the greatest miracles of all times, aside from the Eucharist and the Resurrection. The Permanent Sign that the visionaries say has never been seen on the earth before. If you are not motivated by this prophetic event to convert, you are not praying. If you are not praying, you are dead. Pray and convert while there is time. Otherwise, it will be too late for many.

he following is just a brief summary of the most important points about the Ten Secrets. These points are taken from the more detailed information in this section about the Ten Secrets. Even though Our Lady does not speak a lot about the secrets, She does speak about them, so they are an important part of Our Lady’s plans in Medjugorje. The visionaries tell us that everything Our Lady does has profound meaning. If Our Lady has chosen to give the six visionaries ten secrets that will be used to bring worldwide conversion to the world, we need to pay attention to what She has said and done in regard to the secrets which have yet to be revealed. There are those who want to hush talk about the secrets. The question should then be posed, “Why did Our Lady let the visionaries tell that they have secrets?” Our Lady, while not wanting at this moment to reveal their contents,does want us to know there are 10 secrets, and we know enough that some are very grave. Yes, Our Lady wants very much for us to know there are secrets and for that knowledge to be an impulse for conversion now, not to wait for the secrets, because then it will be too late for many. So to those who say there should be no interest in the secrets or that one should not wonder about them, this is a contradiction of Our Lady’s intent that Her children know about the secrets.

A Friend of Medjugorje
Our Lady is giving Ten Secrets to the Medjugorje visionaries that will bring worldwide conversion to the world.
• God is giving so much time for these apparitions, so that all may come to conversion.
• Three of the visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov have all ten secrets and no longer see Our Lady daily.
• Marija, Vicka, and Ivan have nine secrets.
The third secret will be a lasting sign on Apparition Mountain that will be permanent, indestructible, and beautiful and will appear spontaneously.
• The sign will appear on the mountain in such a way that unbelievers won’t have words to say what it is.
The sign will be something that has never been on the earth before.
• Part of the seventh secret has been mitigated through prayer and fasting.
• Mirjana is the visionary whom Our Lady gave the responsibility to reveal the secrets.
• Fr. Petar Ljubicic is the priest chosen by Mirjana to reveal the secrets to the world.
• Fr. Petar will read each secret ten days before it occurs. He will fast for 7 days. Three days before the secret happens, he will announce it to the world.
• Fr. Petar says he will read the secrets to the world.
Mirjana received a physical parchment from Our Lady with the ten secrets written on it, as well as the day and date each of them will occur.
• During the time of the ten secrets, one of the visionaries will still have daily apparitions.
• Not all the secrets are the same for all the visionaries. Some of Ivan and Vicka’s secrets are personal ones for them.