Souls are not saved if nothing is done for them

"Little things are little things, but fidelity in little things is a great thing." (Sr. Benigna Consolata)
+ "Little things done out of love are those that charm the Heart of Christ.” (St. Therese)
"Great love can change small things into great ones, and it is only love which lends value to our actions." (St. Faustina)

+ “The smallest act, if done out of love, acquires such merit that it gives Me immense consolation.” (Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez)

6. + “One act of love alone will repair a thousand blasphemies.” (Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata)

+ “One ‘Jesus, Mary! I love You! Save souls!’ repairs a thousand blasphemies!” (Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone)

 + “Souls are not saved if nothing is done for them. I died on the Cross to save them—I ask of thee no great thing—only a word withheld, a look repressed, a pleasant thought banished, in a word all that restrains and mortifies nature. These little things, united to My infinite merits, acquire a great value.” (Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata)

+ “One faithful soul can repair and obtain mercy for many ungrateful ones… Every soul can be instrumental in this sublime work [saving souls]… Nothing great is required, the smallest acts suffice: a step taken, a straw picked up, a glance restrained, a service rendered, a cordial smile… all these offered to Love are in reality of great profit to souls and draw down floods of grace on them.” (Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez)

+ “If only you knew how many souls can be saved by those little acts!” (Our Lady to Sr. Josefa Menendez)

+ “To pick up a pin for Love can convert a soul. It is Jesus alone who can give such value to our actions. Let us then love Him with all our heart.” (St. Therese)

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