All heavenly help is available

December 19, 2003 God the Father to Anne a lay apostle 

My little ones feel great joy in communicating with Me. That is the smallest foretaste of heaven. In heaven, you will have instant and constant communication with Me. We will take such joy in each other, dear children. There is a complete absence of want in heaven. You will search in vain for the poor, the troubled, and the sick. Everywhere you look you will view another tableau of peace and serenity. Souls will seek knowledge and find it. 

Souls will seek wisdom and obtain it. Souls will seek understanding from others and others will instantly under- stand them. Such sympathetic listening will take place in heaven, My children. You will know nothing of anxiety for loved ones in heaven because all will be well and all will be decided. There will be no uncertainty in the hearts of My children. 

Dear ones, this is your destiny. This is your inheritance for which you were created. Your time on earth is a small capsule of time designed to give you the opportunity to obtain your place in heaven. Use the gifts I have given you and you will find no limit to what you can achieve on earth. All heavenly help is available. 

“But we cannot see it,” reply My children in their poor little hearts. Dear children, as you have been told, you can- not see the wind, but you see the power of the wind and you see the beautiful things that can be achieved when you harness that power. I am the same. How does one harness God? Simply by praying. As you are My servants, I am also your servant, in the sense that a father wants all for his children and gives all to his children. If a child continually refuses a gift from his father, the father knows to stop forcing the gift on that child. The wise father knows that the child cannot be given the gift until the child is ready to see the value of the gift and accept it. 

This may not be the father’s wish. The father wishes to give the child every gift available and every gift that is valuable to that child. But the wise father waits for the opportu- nity to direct the child and that opportu- nity comes when the child begins to listen. Listen to Me, children. I have many graces to give you that you require for your salvation. How sad for Me that My graces are refused and rejected as though they are worthless. I created your world for your pleasure and edification. I did not create your world so that you could sin against each other and sin against Me. Look carefully into your life now. 

Say to Me, “God, My Father, help me to under- stand.” I will not refuse this prayer, dear- est child destined to be held against My heart. I will not refuse you. I will help you to understand exactly what keeps you from Me. And together, with all of the assistance of heaven, We will bring you to your rightful place. My courage is bound- less and I give you a share of that courage. The world will pass away, dear ones, but you will be with Me.