Synod: (paragraph #71)

 (paragraph #71):
71. "The choice of civil marriage or, in several cases, simple cohabitation, is often not motivated by prejudice or resistance against the sacramental union, but from cultural situations or cultural contingents.
In many circumstances, the decision to live together [Living in Sin!] is a sign of a relationship that actually wants to navigate towards the prospect of stability. This [living in sin] will [How does this committee know that it “WILL”?], which translates into a lasting bond [statistics say the opposite], reliable and open to life can be considered a commitment on which to base a path to the sacrament of marriage [Living in sin can be considered? Shouldn‘t you discourage people from living in sin?], discovered to be God's plan for [the couple's] lives.
The path of growth [living in sin is the path of growth?], which can lead to sacramental marriage, will be encouraged [living in sin will be “encouraged”?  Mortal Sin will be “encourage”?] by the recognition of the distinguishing characteristics of a generous and lasting love: the desire to seek the good of others before their own; the experience of forgiveness requested and given; the aspiration to build a family that is not closed in on itself but open to the good of the ecclesial community and of the entire society. Along this route those signs of love that properly correspond to the reflection of God should be valorized into an authentic conjugal project."