Your peace is found in Me

Oct 2015 Wings of Prophecy 

Your peace is found in Me when you surrender your will and your desires 
and exchange them for My good plan for your life. I give to My children 
good things, a life of joy and peace and provision in every circumstance.

You are burdened with so many circumstances and decisions because 
you have not cast those cares on Me and released them. When you 
release them, you will see the answers come you have prayed for. When 
you cling to them, trying to solve them yourself, you remain stressed,
 tense, and unhappy.

I am your peace, bring your cares and worries to Me, and I will carry 
them for you. When you are worried and stressed, you cannot enjoy 
Me fully. You cannot fully enjoy the life I gave you. I desire for your joy 
to be full.

I am your peace when the storms rage around you, My precious ones. 
The coming storm of lack, of persecution, will rage, but if you enter 
My Secret Place, it will not rage in you. I have prepared a place of peace
 you may enter at any time when you approach Me. All that is required 
is your faith and devotion to Me.

The coming storm is one of great spiritual darkness. The wicked are 
rising up, and will refuse to be silenced. They will bring much grief to 
My people. They will cause hardships and lack on those who serve Me. 
There will be great betrayals, such as you have never seen.

The only way My people can survive what is coming is through their 
faith in Me. Their faith that I will protect them and provide for them. 
Every person alive who truly serves Me will have to choose in these 
times between your own comfort and Me.

Choose well, My children, for your eternity depends on it. Those who 
deny Me will not enter heaven.