All will have a chance to return and accept My Laws

11 September 2015 Jesus to 2 patricks, Ireland

My children, listen and listen carefully to these, My Words. This world has forgotten Me and believes that I am a forgotten and dead God. They have forgotten My Ways and My Words and have chosen to live a life of sin in their own free will. They have ignored My Warnings and those I send through My Mother.
Now, children, we come to a New Time where I will give all a chance to return; a time where this world will see and realise what they have done. 

All will have a chance to return and accept My Laws. Those who choose to ignore My Warning shall be cast from this, My earth, My creation for, they are but rot and only deserve to be cut away.
Those who choose to repent and turn away from sin will be rewarded with the promises of New Life, new growth in My creation for I mean to restore the damage that man has wrought on all My creation. 

Listen, children, I call upon you, My faithful, to redouble your efforts in dying to self for, the more you die to self, the more you will understand when the time comes for I will renew you in My Love, My Truth and you will become My Hands, My Feet and My Lips. 

I say, listen and understand the Words that I speak for a great chastisement will befall this earth for very few will be willing to give up their sinful ways and come follow Me. 

So now is the time to prepare: do not store the material things of this world for they will rot in their stores. The only ones who will see this time through are those who choose to trust in Me, their God. 

I shall feed My own.
I shall provide for My children. 

I shall send a great rot and all will decay and those who have chosen to prepare by storing food shall be dumbfounded at their own stupidity. 

Prepare by dying to self and showing that you trust in Me, your God.
Trust is your weapon that will bring you through the famine that is before you for this earth will cease to provide for all will wither and die. 

Listen now and prepare for time is short.
Take on these Words of Warning now and begin your preparations in earnest while there is still time. Begin! Trust in Me, your God, for I am your only Guide.
Trust in Me, children. I Love you.