Francis: One could say to Communists: but you are Christians
[Franca Giansoldati]: You are regarded as a communist, pauperist, populist Pope. The Economist, which has dedicated a cover to you, stated that you speak like Lenin. Do you identify yourself in this depiction?
[Pope Francis]: I say only that the Communists have stolen the flag. The flag of the poor is Christian. Poverty is at the center of the Gospel. The poor are at the center of the Gospel. Let’s take Matthew 25, the protocol on which we will be judged: I was hungry, I was thirsty, I was in prison, I was sick, naked. Or, let us look at the Beatitudes, another flag. The communists say that all this is communist. Yes, right, twenty centuries later. Now when they speak one could say to them: but you are Christians. (Interview with Franca Giansoldati, June 29, 2014)

Teachings of the Magisterium

Table of Contents
I – The devastating communist doctrine versus the divine Christian doctrine
II – Intrinsically perverse system condemned by the Church
III – Communist sophisms attempt to deceive Catholics
IV – The communist ‘openness’ toward Christians is inhuman persecution
V – Helping the poor is not an ideological standard, but rather a normal trait of the Church’s charity

I – The devastating communist doctrine versus the divine Christian doctrine

Leo XIII-Communism: a deadly plague that seeks to overthrow both human and divine laws
Pius IX– Unspeakable doctrine opposed to the natural law
– Deceitful men who desire to eliminate entirely the doctrine and influence of the Catholic Church
Pius XI– Communism seeks to destroy society altogether
-Socialism cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church
-Enemies of all order shamelessly attempt against God
– Despise of the light of evangelic wisdom, and revival of paganism
– Imminent danger aiming at upsetting the social order and the foundations of Christian civilization
– Communism strips man of liberty, dignity and morality
– Dialectical and historical materialism advocated by Marx, and annihilation of all opposition
-A cold-blooded struggle against all that is divine
– Communist terrorism seeks to all moral sense
Pius XII– To cast out every notion of God – the aim of the supporters of communism
Leo XIII– The fear of God and reverence for divine laws are taken away leading to the greatest dangers and the overthrow of all things

II – Intrinsically perverse system condemned by the Church

Pius XI– The Communist system, with its authors and abettors condemned
-Communism is intrinsically wrong and no one may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith– Formal prohibition to join or favor Communist Parties – latae sententiae excommunication
John XXIII– No Catholic can subscribe even to moderate Socialism – opposition between Communism and Christianity is fundamental

III – Communist sophisms only attempt to deceive Catholics

Sacred Scripture-Beware of false prophets
-After my departure savage wolves will come among you
Pius XI– The Catholic Religion is the only true obstacle to communism, which takes advantage of any possibility of approach and collaboration with the Catholic side
– A system that is subversive of social order, full of errors and sophisms, in opposition to reason and to Divine Revelation
– Partial truths astutely presented by the preachers of Communism to conceal repulsively crude and inhuman principles
– The Communistic fallacy spreads because of the religious and moral misery
-A doctrine shrewdly adapted to the varying conditions of diverse peoples
– A powerful factor in the diffusion of Communism: the conspiracy of silence of a large section of the non-Catholic press
– Communism has changed its tactics: it strives to entice the multitudes by trickery, hiding its real designs behind ideas like peace
– Communists worm their way into Catholic circles using so-called ‘humanitarianism’ and ‘charity’
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith– Communism: shame of our time – while claiming to bring them freedom keeps whole nations in servitude

IV – The communist ‘openness’ toward Christians is inhuman persecution

Pius XI– Communism: openly hostile to the Church and to God Himself is incredibly cruel and inhuman when in power
– Subversive sect that nourishes hatred against the Lord and His Christ in Spain, Mexico, Russia…
– The Communist persecution: daily writes new and glorious chapters to the Martyrology
– Communism strove by every possible means to destroy the Christian religion – assassinations and inhuman persecution
– Destruction, slaughter, hatred and savage barbarity that would not have believed thought possible
-These atrocities are the natural fruit of a system which lacks all inner restraint
– The whole Christian people are continually in danger of falling away from the faith or of suffering a most cruel death
John Paul II– Fidelity to Christ of the Ukrainian people in face of violent Communist persecution
-An intrepid witness during the Communist persecution
Benedict XVI– The wounds of Communism have not yet completely healed
– A hardened regime, but it could not make the Church bow down
V – Helping the poor is not an ideological standard, but rather a normal trait of the Church’s charity
Leo XIII– Socialists distort the Gospel to suit their own purposes
Pius XI– Neither Socialism nor Communism would have existed if the nations had been faithful to the Church
-‘Charity’ without justice is not charity but only its empty name and hollow semblance
John Paul II– To proclaim mercy is a part of the life of the Church – She is the trustee and dispenser of the Savior’s mercy
Benedict XV– The Church heals the wounds of society with a variety of good deeds because She is the heir and guardian of the spirit of Jesus Christ
Congregation for Bishops-Bishops ought to make every effort to expand and improve charitable activities
Sacred Scripture-Contribution for the poor in the early Church