Homosexuals: 83% of all male syphilis cases


Gloria.TV News on the 30th of November

Unfaithful: Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, the preacher of the Pontifical Household, preached in November to the Church of England’s General Synod, which wants to accept homosex pseudo-marriage. Cantalamessa said: “We should never allow a moral issue like that of sexuality to divide us more than love for Jesus Christ unites us.” Gavin Ashenden replies on anglicanlink.com: “Those who invited Fr Raniero, hoped that his affirmation of the abandonment of faithfulness to Scripture and tradition might give the impression he was speaking on the current Pope’s behalf. But he wasn’t. In fact he was speaking against the Pope.”

Restraint: The U.S. Center for Disease Control published a report about sexually transmitted diseases, especially among blacks and homosexuals. The rate among blacks is, depending on the disease, 5 to 11 times the rate of whites. The same is true for homosexuals. Although they make up a mere 1.6% of the population, they account for 83% of all male syphilis cases. Catholic League’s Bill Donohue comments: „It’s time we put political correctness aside and started having an honest conversation with everyone about the dangers of sexual promiscuity. Condoms are not the answer—restraint is. And no groups need to hear this message more than blacks and gays.”

Suicide: Last week bishop Stefan Oster of Passau, Germany, celebrated the funeral of popular 59-year-old Fr Josef Stallinger. He committed suicide because of an Internet porn addiction that implied no illegal material. Stallinger developed an obsessive fear that his addiction would be known and produce a public scandal. At the end he saw no other way out than to kill himself. In a suicide note he asked his bishop to make the reasons for his death public. For his funeral he chose the psalm verse: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?