Join the 3 Hail Marys Pledge

 List of intentions:

1) That the Mother of God and more specifically the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart as the solution for our times be more and more known throughout America. 

2) For the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls. 

3) In reparation for the sins of abortion and for the end of such murderous practices in our country.

4) In reparation for the sins against marriage as established by God and especially for the “legalization” of same-sex unions in America. 

5) For the Catholic Church, that its members be faithful followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and especially for the sanctification of priests, asking Our Lady to grant them great courage to face the difficult times ahead. 

6) For the fidelity and perseverance in Faith of all Catholic families in these challenging times. 

7) For the innocence of children that their souls will remain pure. 

8) For the increase of frequency to the sacrament of penance. 

9) For world peace. That the world should be granted peace; The peace of Christ in the Reign of Christ. 

10) For all of your own personal intentions.
”To desire grace without recourse to 
the Virgin Mother is to desire to fly 
without wings.” - Pope Pius XII

    I pledge to pray three Hail Mary's every day for the intentions listed and for all of my intentions.
Goal: 20,000