Those who are wise do not dismiss all dreams

“My children, is it so hard to believe that I would speak to my servants through dreams? It was not hard for the wise men to believe, nor St. Joseph.

At certain times, I choose to speak to souls through dreams. Not every dream contains a message, but those that do require discernment. Those who are wise do not dismiss all dreams, but search the meaning of those that appear to be significant. I never send a dream-message without a reason, so it behooves the dreamer to pray and ponder. I

f you cannot decipher its meaning offer me this prayer, “Lord if this dream is from you, then please clarify its meaning; if not, please let it fade from my memory.”

Be aware that the evil one can also speak through dreams. When in doubt about the origin of the dream it is best to ignore it completely.

You may be at peace with this. Children if all this confuses you, go back to the basics, to Scripture, prayer and the sacraments. Be little and accept all that happens with grace and gratitude. I am near to you at all times, awake or asleep. My children, I love you. Have faith!”