Too many seek to be the master of their own Commandments.

8/12/07 Words from Jesus to Jennifer 

My children, My peace be with you. Call upon the Holy Spirit each time you gather. My children, you are each a vessel of mercy. For My mission upon this earth was to preach the good news, walk the road to Calvary and be crucified in order for My mercy to be given to the world.  

You each must always extend mercy for you are a vessel from this life going to eternal life. Each breath, each word, every thought is a means in which you are being drawn toward Me or away from Me, it is a record of salvation. Take heed to today’s Gospel message for this time that has been mitigated up until now has come to expire.  

For My angels have been positioned and the sword of Saint Michael has been drawn for the great battle has been waged. Grab hold of your lamp stands for days of darkness are on the horizon. Speak to those around you about the brown scapular. Pass them out for there is great significance to heed to this time and all that I desire of you. 

Now go forth in prayer and meditate on My Passion. Turn to My Mother at this time for when you turn to My Mother you will find her son for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.

 Words from Jesus to Jennifer
My child, always stay close to your journal for My words are words of great importance. My child, pray for Russia and China. Pray, for their agenda is one that will bring much devastation around this world. 

My child, you must set more time aside to pray so that I may draw you into the light of My love. Look to heaven to assist you not mankind for mankind seeks reward in return for your needs yet it is I Jesus who seeks your love, seeks your soul.  

So many do not tend to their souls, if only they knew how precious they truly are for there is no other means in which one can enter eternal life. It is not the color of your hair, the number of your friends, the shape of one’s body; it is the state of one’s soul. My child, say the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy. Recite it for all the souls who are not prepared to meet Me. 

Cities will be washed away and some will come to a crumble for mankind will seek to find reason, yet reason will be given at the time when I extinguish all light on earth except the light that I come with. And My mercy will be poured out for in the blink of an eye all of humanity will see their soul as I see it.

My child, this time is not far in the distance for this time of chastisement has begun for too many seek to be the master of their own Commandments. Many seek to demise the existence of their Creator, yet in My silence the souls of My people will be pierced like that of when Longinus pierced your Savior, for I am Jesus and My mercy will overflow like lava from a mountaintop. Now go forth My child and be at peace for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.