Michael Voris: Beating the Devil to the punch

MVIt simply is not possible for me to fully articulate the range of emotions that are coursing through my veins at this very moment having just watched Michael Voris’ latest video (below).
Though it is necessary for me to offer some citations taken from the transcript as I embark on a feeble attempt to respond to what I’ve just witnessed, I urge you to watch the video for yourself as soon as you’re able.
Trust me, the quotations herein are no substitute for hearing the voice of my brother in Christ, our brother in Christ, Michael, and looking into his eyes as he lays bare his soul for the entire world to see.
According to Michael:
We have on very good authority from various sources that the New York archdiocese is collecting and preparing to quietly filter out details of my past life with the aim of publicly discrediting me, this apostolate and the work here.
Beating them to the punch and stealing their thunder, Michael states:
I have never made a secret that my life prior to my reversion was extremely sinful … I will now reveal that for most of my years in my thirties, confused about my own sexuality, I lived a life of live-in relationships with homosexual men. From the outside, I lived the lifestyle and contributed to scandal in addition to the sexual sins. On the inside, I was deeply conflicted about all of it. In a large portion of my twenties, I also had frequent sexual liaisons with both adult men and adult women.
My first reaction? Anger. Intense anger.
What kind of gutless, diabolical, scumbag would stoop so low as to unearth and make public the sins of another man; in particular, sins confessed? I suppose I’ve answered my own question already in the asking…
My next reaction? Sadness. Genuine sadness… Yea, we have some differences, but it breaks my heart to see Michael forced to reveal things that are no one’s business. No one should ever be put in this position.
I’m also sorry to know that he ever went through such a period in his life. It must have been horrible; even worse than having to stand in front of a camera to talk about it today.
Whoever is involved in this smear operation (assuming Michael’s “good authority” is correct) will get precisely what they deserve; be it in this life or the next. Our Lord will see to it. I know that.
Even so, the vigilante in me would like to batter them personally. Another part of me feels compelled to wish them an eternity in Hell; the abode of he who is inspiring this and the other sins that they’re desperately attempting to hide. There goes that anger again.
By the grace of God, the Catholic in me will win out, however, and I will force myself (with the Lord’s help to be sure) to pray for their conversion, that they might come to know what Michael Voris knows about the liberating power of mercy. God knows that I depend on His mercy as much as anyone.
Michael goes on to say:
It was a mistake to not bring this forth earlier. I did not do it to deceive, but because I did not understand the necessity … I was limiting God. I was restricting, putting limitations on the good news of His saving power. He did not just save me from a bad life — that is far too general. In much more concrete terms, He reached down into the mighty dark waters, the tempest, a sea of sin, and drew me out — for nothing is impossible with God. Nothing.
As for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. (Gen 50:20)
Wicked men are seeking to discredit, embarrass, and destroy this man, but Michael Voris is making it possible for God to use this episode for good, and I have every confidence that He will.
Michael says:
Through the teachings of this Holy Catholic Church established personally by the Son of God on St. Peter for my salvation, your salvation, through Her sacraments, through Her intrinsic power, I was given back my masculinity that I had squandered.
Yes, you were, Michael. It takes a man to respond as you have, and I can’t help but believe that somewhere there is a person lost in sin, destined for death, maybe many such persons, who will be so encouraged by your story that they will seek the Lord’s mercy, come home to the Church, ultimately to be kept alive. 
God love you, brother. Be assured of my prayers.