I created you to adorn Heaven

December 22, 2003 God the Father to Anne, a lay apostle, Ireland 

Children of the world, you are precious to Me. 

Each one of you was created with infinite forethought and love. 

Each one of your characteristics is an act of My mercy.

 “My God,” you may say, “not all of my characteristics are lovable”. I know that, My child. You have certain flaws to overcome. Do you think I love you less for them? Is not a favored plaything often marked? Does it not bear the signs of a child’s love and interest? 

Children, I love you in all of your imperfection. I love you with all of the scars and marks you carry as the result of your flaws and mistakes. They mean nothing to Me in the sense that I did not make you to be perfect. I made you to overcome your weaknesses, and, utilizing your free will, to choose Me. 

I made you to assist each other. 

I created you to adorn heaven and, little one, I want you here with Me. 

There is a place I have prepared. It is for only you. You have a home here forever and I would have you prepare to complete your journey. 

Do I frighten you? I do not intend to frighten you and it is not to frighten that I come. On the contrary, dear ones, I come to explain to each of you that you are always one breath away from eternity. 

It is the same for each soul who has ever been on earth. From this moment to the next, your journey may be complete. I will decide.

 In times past, souls would remind themselves of this fact and use those thoughts to keep themselves detached from the world. Because of the many gifts and advances I have given and allowed, My children delude themselves into thinking I am passé and that My time has gone. 

Dear ones, have you ever heard of anything so absurd and arrogant? 

You may say, “Surely not, God. No soul breathing the air You have given us would think that way.” And yet they do. If you are a soul who thinks you have no need for your divine Creator, pause for a moment. Stop breathing. I want you to realize that at any time, I can will this. 

Such is My power. Do not think you are independent of Me. If not for Me, you would cease to exist. I am God. I am omnipotent. My own know Me. You are My own and I want your allegiance.