Use your gifts for My glory

Children Created For My Glory,

I rejoice in you. I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am the Great I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission. Accept My corrections. 

Beloved, even before the instant of your conception, I desired you. Even before your birth, I desired to embrace you, and to be near you. Little Ones, nothing about you escapes Me. I know all your struggles. I witness your transgressions, and refusals to love. I walk with you. My Little Ones, draw near to Me. Gift Me with tokens of your love, and obedience. 

Grow in obedience for in obeying you become saints. Grow in obedience, and teach others to do My divine will. 

Keep My commandments. Do not stray. 
I have deposited treasures in your souls. Be right with Me. Activate these gifts, and use them for My glory. 

Surrender unto Me. Give Me everything. Do not keep anything from Me. 

When you obey, you will fall under My favor, and know blessing upon blessing. Keep this in mind. I hope in you. I call you to holiness. Repent of all wrongdoing, and return to Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom