Do Not Sin By Omission

28 January 2017 

Children Of My Divine Heart,

I yearn for your love. 

I Am that I Am. I Am the Great I Am. 

The King of Saints calls to you now. 

Open your hearts to the Alpha and the Omega. Surrender. 
Give Me permission. Enter into My divine will. Desire to honor Me more than 

Honor Me by your words, your actions, even your silence. Do not sin 
by omission. Think of the Lost. Think of the Poor. Think of the Rejected. 

Strive to please Me. Share your time, and your resources

Be holy. Repent of all wrongdoing. 
Put your needs last. Never place your needs before those of 
another. When you do, you err. Let love be your motivation in all things. 
Love, and die for Love. Stand your ground, and fight for Love. I hope in you.
Justice must prevail. Open your hearts to love as I love. 

Gift others with tokens of your love, and affection. 
Do not count. Never keep track of the times you help, or encourage. 

Just love. I need you to love your enemies. 
I need you to walk beside them in love. Love! 

I leave you My kiss of peace. 