Jews want to import Muslims to fight Christ and the Church

(...)Jews want to import Muslims to fight Christ and the Church.
Muslims of the Middle East are not, or weren’t, anti-Christian; they co-existed for millennia with their Christian neighbours. In Palestine, Christians and Muslims lived together and suffered together under the Jewish yoke.
But recently a new wind has blown in the Muslim faith, the wind of a very strong rejection of whatever is not strict Sunni Islam of the ISIS brand. Their first enemy is Shia Islam, but Christians follow Shias as a second-best object of persecution. The much softer Muslim Brotherhood has also hardened towards Christians. In Gaza, Hamas (a branch of MB) delivers friendly speeches, but the Christians are leaving the Strip very fast. MB rule in Cairo was considered anti-Christian by their Copt neighbours. So the new refugees from ISIS-touched lands (six out of Trump’s Seven: Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan) have been possibly infected with anti-Christian tendency.
It is almost a superfluous quality, anyway. The Muslims are being used as silent partners in the Jewish war on the Church. Instead of saying: “We, Jews, do not want to hear church bells, see Christmas scenes and hear Christian blessings”, these modest and retiring people usually refer to Muslims. Muslims do not want to hear church bells and see Christmas trees, they say. We Jews are just more considerate towards our Muslim brethren, so we notice that, while you brutes do not. Muslim sensitivities are already quoted in Germany to exclude pork-based local delicacies and to ban Christmas celebrations. It doesn’t matter that normally Muslims do not object to Christmas celebrations, as we know from our experience in Palestine. The Jews and other enemies of the Church say it all the same.
With the new ISIS-infected Muslims, the war on the Church will proceed even better. For sure, the US judges like the Seattle one will ban Christmas celebrations in a few years’ time citing the same refugees they insist on delivering to America’s shores.
The war on Christ and the Church is the most important element of Judaism. Wherever Jews succeed, the Church suffers, and vice versa. Israel, the Jewish state, has been located at the cradle of Christianity not by whim of Zionists: actually, the leading Zionist Theodore Herzl called for establishing the Jewish state elsewhere, from Uganda (modern Kenya) to Argentina. But the struggle against Christ necessitated their choice of Palestine with its deep Christian roots.
The most popular Jewish early medieval text glorified Judas for his victory over Jesus Christ. Fight against the Church and Christ in-formed Jewish weapons: media and money. The Church was an enemy of moneylenders; interest has been forbidden by the church, but it was used by Jews to accumulate their vast capital to be used against the Church.
As for media, the present concentration of almost all mass media in Jewish hands began in France of 19th century, where Jews formed a conspiracy to own and control media and they used it with great success against the Church during the Third Republic, notably in connection with Dreyfus Affair. (I previously wrote about it in a review).
The Jews usually acted in union with Protestants, as they were also enemies of the Church. Protestants, certainly, believed they were using the Jews for their own benefit, but in the end, separate and mutually hostile Protestant Churches submitted to the single will of Jews. This is why Jewish positions are so strong in the US in the absence of a single national church. Judging by the migration affair, it appears the Jews believe they can make a next step in their fight with Christ: by using the Islamic fanatics as a cover, they plan to push the church underground, out of public space altogether.
Much of the future developments depend on the will of President Trump. He fights against incredible odds. His idea to use Zionists against prevalent Jewish positions meanwhile does not work. “His” Jews are under attack as traitors to the Jewish cause. “Kushner is bad for Jews”, says Haaretz. Indeed, Jews have more important things to care than the Jewish state, and they are united for diversity, in other words, for more migration from the Middle East.
He should stop bumping the closed door. Forget the embassy move, forget pussyfooting with other Zionist dreams, and first of all, forget attacking Iran. If the Zionists would deliver Trump the wholehearted support of their American brethren, it would make some (not much) sense; but in the existing circumstances, none whatsoever. If Israel is threatened, then, perhaps, Zionists will be able to prevail upon their liberal cousins and convince them to think more of Israel and less of diversity. Perhaps is the key word.
Avoiding wars is another secret of success. The US spends too much money on wars. Keeping out of Ukrainian and Syrian mess is perfectly possible; spending money in America will improve Trump’s popularity and undermine the adversary. The US working class could be his best supporter, for these people are losing in case of wars and of immigration.
Meanwhile Trump is doing fine. He is doing what he promised; he defended Russia while pushed to denounce them; he tries to stop migration. He even tried to remove the weapon of holocaust from Jewish hands by not mentioning Jews while referring to Holocaust. Jews already called him “a holocaust denier”. This is a good sign. Let us hope he will prevail.
Israel Shamir can be reached at
This article was first published at The Unz Review.