Remember in a special way my priest-sons-

 April 15th, 2017

Acts 6:7 The word of God continued to spread; the number of the disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.
“My beloved, how my heart longs for the day when the everlasting Word is found in every heart, when it is treasured, protected, and defended as the priceless treasure that its, and when priests treasure The Word more than their own words. Much evil is done by even well-meaning priests who are so little acquainted with the Word made flesh that their words become a tool of the enemy and a trap for the faithful. But let this holy night fill you with great hope and joy! For even the apostles—all but one—failed in their duty as priests on Calvary.

Yet what glory was accomplished in them through the Holy Spirit, and how, in the end, they glorified God and furthered the Kingdom. On this holy night, remember in a special way my priest-sons. Pray that they will learn to know the Word, love the Word and live the Word.

Your prayers may be all that is lacking in a poor priest, and this will be counted against you at judgment. All the faithful have a role to play in building up the kingdom. Some are like the bricks in the parish church, but bricks without mortar are just a pile of bricks. Let your prayers be the mortar for those priests, so that they can succeed in what they were sent to do. I am near, my children. My mother sends her love and I join her in giving you an Easter blessing +.”
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