Benedict XVI praises Cardinal Sarah for new book

[Has the pope emeritus joined the “subtle” campaign against the pope non-emeritus? As exemplified by this book and speeches by Cardinal Sarah at liturgical conferences as well as Cardinal Muller’s comments on only by whom and how Amoris Laetitiae can be interpreted?]
Catholic World News – May 17, 2017
“With Cardinal Sarah, a master of silence and of interior prayer, the liturgy is in good hands,” writes Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI, in an afterword for a book by the African cardinal.
The retired Pontiff refers to Cardinal Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, as a “master of silence and of interior prayer.” Benedict’s praise for the cardinal’s new book, The Power of Silence, will appear in future editions of the volume. The short afterword appears in its entirety by First Things.
“Anyone today who reads the ever-thicker commentaries on the Gospels remains disappointed in the end,” writes the former Pope. He says that in order to understand the Word of God, one must imitate the example of Jesus, who prayed in silence before He preached. Benedict explains:
We know that his speech, his word, comes from silence and could mature only there. So it stands to reason that his word can be correctly understood only if we, too, enter into his silence, if we learn to hear it from his silence.
The former Pontiff has maintained a near-total public silence since his resignation took effect. So his endorsement of the book, and his support for Cardinal Sarah, is particularly noteworthy. “We should be grateful to Pope Francis for appointing such a spiritual teacher as head of the congregation that is responsible for the celebration of the liturgy in the Church,” Benedict writes.