Jesus: I need many prayer warriors

Children of My Divine Heart,

I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to receive Me. 

I so desire to enter within. 

My plans near fruition. Surrender unto Me. 

Assist Me in this spiritual battle. Give Me permission to work in you. I need many prayer warriors to do My bidding all over the Earth. 

I need humble, and obedient hearts to witness to the Lost. 

Accept My invitation to serve. Join the ranks of the elect. Join My army of love. 

Beloved, I will bless you beyond imagination, when you make yourselves obedient unto Me, and keep My commandments. 

You would do well to strive for holiness. 

Make every effort to please Me, My Little Ones. Make every effort to change what you perceive as lacking. 

My grace will assist you in this undertaking. My grace abounds. 

Allow Me to gift you with the graces you so desperately require today. 

Trust in Me. Trust in My master plan. Abandon your free will at My feet. 

Walk in expectant faith. 

I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom