The importance of every motherly task

May 14, 2017
Mother's Day

Our Lady comes in white - holding Jesus who looks like He's about 1 yr. old. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"Dear children, always esteem motherhood and the simplistic value it holds in the world today. A good mother lays the groundwork of a good community, a sound government and a peaceful world." 

"Do not underestimate the importance of every motherly task no matter how small or mundane. Everything done with love has eternal value. Motherly love carried into the community secures peaceful resolutions to many problems. Many who have never given birth are still mothers to untold numbers of people."

"A good mother's presence has a quieting effect on any environment. It is this presence which needs to be felt in the heart of the world." 

May 14, 2017
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"The effectiveness - the power - of any one Message* lies in the depth of faith in the listener. A person can hear any number of Messages, but in the long run, if he is not sure of their worthiness of belief, none of the Messages will greatly affect him. This is why Satan's recourse here** is to attack the authenticity of the Messages."

* The apparitions of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine. 

May 15, 2017 
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: "Praise be to Jesus".

"I return to earth once again under this title to help mankind realize the direction he chooses. One hundred years ago I brought the world fair warning of a worse war if the right choices were not made. My warnings went unheeded at great cost while man tried to decide if My words were worthy of belief. Today, I point out, that the world continues in turmoil with the threat of new wars ever on the horizon. More is at stake now than ever before with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Weapons such as these placed in the hands of maniacal leaders could change the future of humanity."

"The world was promised an outpouring of grace if I was proclaimed Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate. So, I return today with this request - not for My own edification, but for the welfare of the world. Dear children, recognize the direction the heart of the world is pursuing. Pray that evil is recognized and overcome." 

"Do not be complacent. All that I am telling you is true."

"Be united in the Truth." 

* The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.