Call For Faithful Catholics To Act - Please Thank Bishop Paprocki For Being A Real Bishop

Please see the previous post for details of Bishop Paprocki's actions - and the vitriol being hurled at him by progressives.  Of course they would be full of venom and spite for darkness hates the light and will always rail against it.

New Ways Monstrosity (my new pet name for it - UPDATE: let's make that New Ways Misery) has published an open letter to the Bishop in which they voice their resentment at the truth being spoken by the bishop.  I don't have time right now to pick this tome apart.  They urge their minions to communicate on their own to the bishop.  They give lip service to being civil, but we know what the reality will be.

I will say this much for the progressives, though.  Generally when they hear a tocsin for action, they will drop what they're doing and heed the call.  We faithful Catholics, on the other hand, tend to demure and content ourselves with watching from the sidelines and remain silent.  We no longer have the luxury of being passive - as if that was ever a valid option.  It's time we change that and we can start now.

The New Ways Monstrosity letter is helpful in one way: it conveniently provides the contact information for Bishop Paprocki.  Please use that to send your own message of support and thanks to the Bishop.  Given the hate and spite that the progressives are sending his way, our messages of support will be much appreciated.  If you feel tongue-tied and don't know quite what to say, LifeSiteNews has drafted a petition of thanksgiving to the Bishop.  Please click here if you would like to sign it.  Of course you can sign the petition and write your own message.

Please do not remain silent.  No one of us can afford to sit by while others do the "heavy lifting" as it were.  We, each one of us, are the Church Militant.  Let's stand up and act, and support those like Bishop Paprocki who take a leading stance.  Please pass this post to your contacts
