Our Lady comes to Medjugorje every day

Why every day?

I sometimes hear these words: “How strange that Our Lady comes to Medjugorje every day, when she is usually so discreet?  I doubt it’s really her!”

I have noticed that people who say this are generally over 60.  Conversely, I have never heard a young person speak in this way. Why is that? You will quickly understand why when you read this short set of questions that I ask people who are in doubt. Their answers are often the same.
– When you were little, at school, did more than 60% of your classmates have parents who were divorced, and suffer cruel inner wounds?

– Oh, no! I knew maximum one or two children with divorced parents.

– At the age of 10, did teachers bring condoms to class and explain how to use them?

– At 10, I didn’t even know they existed!

– When you were little, did you constantly have headphones on, with potential unlimited access to all sorts of programs that could be violent, perverse, pornographic, or even Satanic? (Keeping in mind that some music bands spread subliminal messages to incite people to perversion and suicide.)

– Oh, no! In my time, no one used headphones.

– Did people try to sell you drugs outside of school? Were there drug dealers among you?

– As for me, I never saw that, although dealers probably already existed.

– In your “Catholic” school, did you take field trips to Disney World, for example, on Good Friday?

– Impossible! At the time, we respected religious Feast days. Besides, my religion teacher was a believer.

-When you were a teenager, had you already been beaten up in the street without any reason? Or bullied for money while the Police, scared, didn’t do anything about it?

– These things happened, but they were very rare.

– Did “Gay Pride” exist then?

– Oh no! In those days, it was another world! We could parade in the streets of my town in our communicant’s frocks with no problem. There was a long procession for the feast of Corpus Christi, and we would throw rose petals to Jesus in the monstrance. But now it’s forbidden.  “It would disturb traffic” they say.

– As a child and as an adolescent, did you talk among friends about instructions for “assisted suicide”? Did you know about “the choking game”? Role-playing games?
 No! Never heard of them then.

– When you started going to University, how many of your classmates had already committed suicide?

– None! But you would hear of some extremely rare cases.

– When you were 5 years old, did anyone at school suggest to you to change your gender? Were you told you could marry someone of the same sex?

– You must be kidding!  It was unthinkable!       

– As a child, did you have the legal possibility to send one of your parents to jail by saying they had hit you?

 I’m beginning to understand, Sister…

– Wait, that’s not all! As a young teenager, were you allowed to go to nightclubs until the middle of the night? And if so, did you then run the risk of waking up the next morning in the bed of some stranger with no memory of the night before, after having been given drugs mixed with the drinks you were generously offered?

– Hum….sorry, what is that?

– And I’m not mentioning the “Satan Fests”, “Hell Fests”, and their catastrophic consequences for young people! I’m not even mentioning abortion and euthanasia.

Well my friend, now, be aware that your grandchildren who are between the ages of 4 and 25 today are bombarded with these kind of proposals, which damage them deeply and sometimes destroy them. So then… Are you still going to reproach the Mother of God, who is also their Mother, for coming every day for 3 short minutes in order to bless them, help them and pray for them, while Satan is live and active 24/7?

 I hadn’t thought of that… I’ll think about it…

– Thinking is not enough. I beg you, please protect your children and let Heaven protect them! This is a critical time, be ready!
Dearest Gospa,
You, undaunted, have been coming every day for 36 years, regardless of what people may say about you. THANK YOU!

I beg you, please keep up coming to us, we need you so badly!

Thank you so very much for all the good you have done since June 24, 1981, thank you for so many lives saved, so many families reconciled, so many vocations to Christian marriage and to the priesthood, so many hearts that could finally find peace.
Thank you for welcoming so many of your children who were carrying heavy crosses! You comforted them and allowed them to taste a new happiness in their life! The list would be too long.

Dearest Gospa, as the end of your apparitions is approaching, as the revelation of the secrets are not to tarry for many more decades, I beg you, continue to pour upon our world the grace of your daily comings, and please forgive our guilty indifference to your calls. We implore you, don’t tire in holding us against your motherly and Immaculate Heart!

Blessed Virgin of Fatima and Medjugorje, don’t quit! On behalf of many young kids, I say to you THANK YOU for being there for them every day, while most of their homes are empty.  Please pray to your Son, so that His infinite mercy may spare us from degeneration, corruption, calamities, wars, and especially the death of the soul. To you, His Mother, He has given such power over His heart! He cannot resist a single one of your supplications.
Yes, most loving Mother, please answer our call. We love you immensely!

Sister Emmanuel +