Austria: majority of altar servers are girls

[N.B.: Items in quotation marks are from the source article referenced below; e.g., altar service is no longer regarded as a seedbed for priestly vocations (unless for women’s ordination) but as “a sign of liberty and equality”]
Catholic World News – July 19, 2017
Nearly a quarter century after the practice of female altar servers became licit, 55% of Austria’s 45,000 altar servers are girls, according to statistics published by the Archdiocese of Vienna [“higher in relation to the persons in charge of altar service: in the past, the only management was by chaplains or clerics, but now women and girls”].
In addition, 2,800 of the 5,000 persons who supervise altar servers in Austria are women [“less educational and social activities, and women are clearly more inclined to interaction and communication”].