I will come to any soul who seeks Me

March 1, 2005 Jesus to Anne, a lay apostle, Ireland

My children are distracted in this time. I am sending great peace upon those who allow Me into their souls, and I wish to be present in every soul. Do you want My heavenly peace? Do you wish to experience a foretaste of heaven? Dear souls, this is available to you if you ask Me. 

This is not something you can buy. It is not something that the world creates. It is a state of union with Me. It is the experience of being part of the family of God. Each of you belongs to this family, but some of our brothers and sisters have chosen to move away from Me. This results in isolation and sadness. Confusion soon creeps into the life away from God and the soul then seeks to clarify his existence by searching through the worldly balms offered by the enemy. Alas, none of these balms will satisfy a child of heaven because there is only one true balm for the soul. 

It is I, Jesus Christ. I am the balm that will heal. I am the balm that will clarify and soothe. I will come to any soul who seeks Me and bring with Me the heavenly peace that cannot be bought. Little children of the world, call out to Me and I will come to you. Confusion is not from Me. Sadness and despair are not from Me. Peace and serenity are from Me. Ask Me to bring these things to you and I will do so.