So few have recognised the signs of the times

21 June 2017
Become like Me in all your daily toils. Love, children, is what I ask for.
Love all that you meet even if they do not love you. I ask that you love them. Love your enemy: do good to those who persecute you; do not fall into the ways of this world but be like the One that you follow.
Love, this is your goal in life. Trust in Me. I Love you.

20 June 2017
My children, I am Coming soon and so few have recognised the signs of the times. The Bridegroom approaches and the servants have scattered the flock and squandered what belongs to the Master on the pleasures of this world. They have sinned greatly but they have allowed themselves to be blinded by their own desires and can no longer see the Truth. So many have fallen and so few are left to guide My flock. 
Trust in Me and allow Me to guide you back from the sin you have given in to. Trust in Me and I will bring you back from the brink of death eternal.
Trust in Me. 

14 June 2017
Believe and trust, My children, and do not allow fear to enter your lives.
Trust that I am with you, willing to guide your every footstep. You must learn trust by dying to self and living My Truth then you will begin to see Me as Truth and no longer will you fear to walk in the Footsteps of your God. This is how you find trust and faith in Me, children. Believe! I Love you.