The Hell You Don’t Say

Michael Voris.
Every single issue flying around in the Church right now — the Amoris Laetitia controversy, Holy Communion to the divorced and civilly remarried, homosexuality in the clergy, the abuse of the Church's social teaching by political liberals, the near-silence on abortion, the complete blackout on teaching about contraception, horrible catechesis, the blather about ecumenism, the constant chatter about "evangelization — every single one of these issues and their ripple effect in all spheres of society such as politics, news, technology, social media censorship, all of it, revolves around one single issue that never gets talked about: Hell.
It is beyond shocking that when you consider next to His Own Divinity, Our Lord spoke of nothing more frequently than He did Hell, that practically no Catholic ever speaks of it. Even those Catholics who comprise the chattering classes — the intellectuals of the East Coast corridor who go to bishops' cocktail parties, who author long books on this pope or that — they all sit around far above the fray of the spiritual combat wherein souls perish every day by the tens of thousands.
Consider that every day around the globe approximately 150,000 human beings are brought before the judgment seat of God and the vast majority are damned. Nearly every saint has said so. Every apparition that has touched on the subject has shown this. You never find an apparition revealing that all or most of humanity is saved. You never find the writings of a saint, a mystic, a father, a doctor or an evangelist who says most or all are saved. It is quite the contrary. Practically all of them say the exact opposite. In fact, many of them were scared for their own eternal destiny.
If the main mission of the Church is to work toward the salvation of souls, it is singularly strange and deeply troubling that almost no one in the Church ever talks about it. The subject is never brought up by anyone anywhere. When I was in the Vatican Press Hall after one of the sessions of the 2014 Synod on the Family, I had a brief encounter with Fr. Thomas Rosica, who asked me about couples in "irregular unions." He asked if I thought there was anything praiseworthy about their relationships.
I answered him immediately, "Not if they go to Hell, Father."
He was flabbergasted and breathlessly said to me, "Michael, the Church doesn't teach that."
Well, if the Church doesn't teach that, exactly what was the Son of God talking about when He said most people follow the broad path to damnation and only a few find the narrow gate to Heaven and enter it?The problem is that the Church does teach this, but those charged with telling you the truth about what the Church teaches lie to you. God help them when they are brought into that divine tribunal. As they have lived, so shall they die.
The refusal to even breathe a syllable about Hell when that is exactly what the message of the Church is all about, Heaven or Hell, tells you how far the Church has fallen in its fidelity to Our Savior. If a Churchman refuses to talk about Hell, denies it or downplays it, that is a sure sign something is wrong with him spiritually. He has betrayed his mission or is poorly formed or is more concerned with the praise of men than pleasing God — take your pick. But he is endangering his soul, certainly, and yours as well.
Be very careful, very careful about Catholic ordained clergy who will not talk about Hell. They are on the road to Hell themselves and have no concern for your soul. Their eternities will be horrifying.